Will the CS-105 Infield Calibration Span Reference work with my HAZ-SCANNER?
Yes. The Calibration Span Reference (p/n CS-105) is an infield calibration verification. It will work with the HAZ-SCANNER. The CS-105 will allow the user to determine if the real-time readings are within +/- 10% of factory calibration. The CS-105 does not allow users to verify the gas calibration.
Do I need to have my device calibrated annually?
If I purchase a calibration standard do I still need to send in my device for annual calibration?
If the calibration standard is not within +/- 10% than yes, the device should be sent in for calibration. Alternaticvly it may mean that the optics are dirty. We do allow users to clean optics, provided they follow our instructions.
What is a K value?
A K value is the unique number assigned to each Calibration Span Reference. The K value must be assigned immediately after calibration. The K value allows users to verify their instrument is +/- 10% of factory calibration. Please note: Calibration Span References are instrument & serial number specific!
What is the NIOSH 0600 and NIOSH 0500 Reference Methods?
The NIOSH 0600 Reference Method is a gravimetric procedure measuring the mass concentration of non-volatile respirable dust. The NIOSH 0500 measures total Nuisance Dust. Our standard calibration is with the NISOH 0600 reference method. We can accommodate special calibration requests, if requested during the RMA proses.
How exactly is the device calibrated (i.e. can you explain in detail the procedure?)
Calibration Procedure: The Haz-Dust™ instrument to be calibrated is zeroed to the Master Unit by using a Zeroing Filter also called a Clean Air Filter. The filter removes particulates thus dispensing clean air. The device is calibrated against the Master Unit. (The Master Unit complies with regulations requiring the device to be sent annually to an outside lab for calibration).Once units have been zeroed, ISO12103-1 A2 Test Dust (Arizona Road Dust) is put into a Dust Chamber. Compressed air is pushed into the chamber stirring the dust. The dust is then drawn through a Dore-Oliver Cyclone, separating out the respisrable dust. The respirable dust is pumped through tubing before entering the Master Unit. The sensors for the both the Master Unit and Calibrated device are locked together. Both sensors should receive similar readings. If the numbers are not exact the unit to be calibrated is adjusted to match the Mater unit. Three data points are plotted not including the zero plot. Once the air is passed through the sensor it continues through tubing before being displaced by a clean air filter.
Do you provide before and after data?
We can provide before and after date. We do not archive data. If a customer wants before and after data, the request has to be made prior to the device being calibrated, during the RMA process.