DS-2.5 Dust Sampler
This portable sampler is controlled by a portable timer, which can be set to program six sampling runs within 24 hours. The sampler has been designed for easy installation at a variety of sampling locations. When used outdoors it is mounted on a variety of structures, such as telephone poles, light posts, fence posts, etc. The Dust-Sol DS-2.5 Samper is a device for monitoring PM-10 and PM 2.5 Air. Small durable, lightweight, and battery operated, it is a ideal for monitoring in remote areas or where no permanent site has been established.
- PM-10, Pm2.5 and TSP
- Fugitive Emission Sampling
- Saturation Monitoring
- Controlled Burning Studies
- Evaluates Pollution Control
Nema 4X Housing
Pump: Pulse Free Diaphragm pump rated for 10,000 hours of continuous service
Inline 47mm FRM Cassette
Programmable: 7-day timer
Power: AC or DC Operation
Sampling flow rate: 5.0 LPM
Indicator: Low Flow & Low Battery indicator and shut off
Weight: 15lbs with battery
Dimensions: 12×14.5×9 in.